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Friday, February 26, 2010

Be Still

Be still?  Today?  But there are so many distractions all around me, clambouring for my attention.  Demands on my time and energy tug at me.  The tyranny of the urgent, some have called it.  As if that weren't enough, my own thoughts are so scattered, lacking focus.

But in the midst of it all, God calls out to me. "Be still, my child. Come to me and find rest.  Listen to my 'still, small voice' leading you in paths of righteousness, bidding you lie down in the green pasture, so cool and refreshing."

So often, I come to the Lord with heart and mind full of requests, and yes, with suggestions on how He could answer them!  Nevertheless, He graciously extends an invitation. He, the King of kings, requests the honour of my presence! He loves when I come to Him with an open mind and heart, ready to actively listen, not saying a word.  I don't have to.  After all, He already knows.  In these times, my Father is longing to share HIS heart with me, for me to be satified and at rest in His love.  What a privilege, what comfort!

I cannot fully comprehend such a gracious invitation, but have tasted in a small way what it must be like.  When our daughters were small, they so often came to me with their requests.  "Mummy, could you please get me a drink?"  "Mummy, please read me a story."  And on it went, day after day.  Then one day, our oldest daughter came to me, dressed in her cozy pj's.  "Mummy."  She began.  Before she could finish her sentence, I jumped in, asking what she wanted.  Her reply warmed my heart.  "Mummy, I don't WANT anything.  I just want to curl up on your lap and cuddle.  I love you so much."  Does my Father's heart warm to such a response from His child?  I have every reason to believe it does!

I have posted a link to the wonderful song, "Be Still, For The Presence of the Lord, the Holy One, is Here."  May you be blessed as I was as you listen.

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