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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Winter Beauty
I must admit, winter is not my favourite season. Dark, dreary days settle in, and winter seems to go on and on. I long for the first signs of Spring: flowers showing their heads above ground, the return of brighter weather.
I don't like the cold, the snow, the uncertainty of travel plans...I never liked winter as a child either.
I don't go outside unless absolutely necessary. It seems I cannot get warm enough in spite of layering. While others are enjoying winter sports, I am content to stay inside curled up with a good book.
This year, I have made a decision to change how I view winter. I will look for the beauty all around me.God made the four seasons, and I am choosing to enjoy His gifts with a thankful heart.
Brazil, near the Equator. I used to say we had two seasons, rainy and rainier. How good it was to have the changing seasons. From the bottom of my grateful heart, I am thankful for the variety of all God's works. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. (Psalm 150:6)

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